winter sun

winter sun

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Drowning in the sea of nothing

There's a serious problem in the world today. We all know it and we shrug it off. It is so important to spend time thinking. It seems like you are doing nothing, but man is your brain firing when you are doing nothing. The big problems are resolved with elegant simple solutions.

Simplicity doesn't happen instantly, it evolves as a matter of design editing. Simple solutions are carefully distilled down to the bare essence--and they are powerful.

I spent some time in conversation with a dear friend this weekend. As I struggle with my dissertation, beginning again and again, he reminds me that I will laugh when I stumble upon the essence, the solution. And it will be ...simple. and I ...still... flail around in the sea and scream into the wind, "I need to know NOW!!!" But the seas and the winds howl and obscure my small protest.

I keep waiting for my life to come together, you know, for the problems to resolve and the sun to come out and for happiness to light on my shoulder like a little songbird. It seems that thinkers and dreamers are destined to flail against the world in trying to make it a better place. Note the difference between forcing and creating--one crushes everything good into a box, the other springs joyfully from the confines of the box and spreads to others.

If you have an idea about something that needs a solution, please leave a post here. thnx.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think I have felt a small part of this urgency for illumination or discovery. It will come as your friend suggests. How is your dissertation coming along (this post was a while ago)?

    Missing those cool summers. -Josh
